Lesson Plans


This is another typical kindergarten lesson. I really think that in Kindergarten the quality of the class will depend a lot more on your tolerance for their shananigans than your lesson plan.

Grade Level


This is a fun lesson and easy to teach. The activities are good, and if you're looking for another activity it would probably be a good opportunity to play what's missing. the flashcards are easy too: Just the days of the week in English.

Grade Level


This should be a good lesson because the vocab is easy, and a lot of the furniture (desk, chair, bench) is present in the classroom. But be sure you don't get decent flashcards.

Grade Level

Fruit Salad

This lesson was really short (as you can see by the plan) so maybe think of more to add. I also do a long (15minutes) review of the previous lesson for my kindergarten classes so that it doesn't all leave their brains right away.

Grade Level


This is another really good one. I liked teaching this lesson a lot. It is a vocab heavy lesson so that makes it easy to teach. And it is about sports which primary school students are always excited about. They like to learn the English names for their favorite sports. And they like to act out the sports.

Because of Holidays and canceled classes, my schedule got a little weird at this point so I also made a "Sports -- Part 2" lesson for some classes. It is attached also.

Grade Level
Other Files


This lesson works fine, but was not too exciting for the kids. If you can think of a good fun activity to add to the plan it would probably be a good idea. Even so the lesson stands fine as is.

Grade Level


This is just another kindergarten lesson. Keeping the kids in line is hard as usual, but all things considered this is a fine lesson.

Grade Level


This is a really good and fun lesson. It is one of the few lessons that I truly enjoyed teaching. Everyone loves placing the flags on the board, and if your lesson ends early they can play that game forever without getting board so filler material is not problem. It is also cool to find out that some of your students are from countries you wouldn't have expected. I have a girl from Venezuela and she was really excited to put her Venezuelan flag on the board for this lesson.

Grade Level

Our School

There is nothing too special about this lesson. The kids liked it alright, and it was not too rough to teach. Maybe start by saying "Our school is ___" and write the name of your school. If you can write it in Chinese and you might get a round of applause. I happened to use photos from my actual school (Thanks Melinda!) as flashcards and they liked that.

Grade Level

What Do You See?

This is a pretty easy lesson to teach because the kids like saying "I see a _____". But I Spy is kind of hard to explain to them. If you have time stick with it because it is fun in the end, but it time is tight then I would recommend skipping it because it will be frustrating to spend time explaining the game if they never get it.

Grade Level


This is a pretty good kindergarten lesson because it is vocab heavy, and the body language is easy. The kids like to act angry and scared a lot. This would probably be a good lesson for grade 1 as well so I've tagged it accordingly.

Grade Level


Nothing too special or noteworthy about this one. It worked just fine but not super-great.

Grade Level


This is a vocabulary heavy lesson. In my opinion that makes it easy to teach because the kids can just memorize the words, and there is a myriad of games readily available. Many of them are included in this lesson plan. I would highly recommend this one.

Grade Level

My House

This lesson went okay for me. As always, being sure you have good flashcards is essential. My cards were not that good, and the lesson suffered because of it. Also, maybe one more fun activity or song would be useful. But I think the activities I have here are pretty good.

Grade Level

Health / Seeing a Doctor

Personally I really like this lesson plan. It didn't go very well when I taught it, but I think it might be because I had accidentally gotten ahead of the Chinese teachers at that point. The kids really liked it when I drew a picture of a kid barfing on the board (attached).

Grade Level
Other Files

Life and Changes

This lesson Plan was provided by Yippie. I added the activity for changes because that's what my students were studying with their Chinese teacher, so they actually knew about it. I didn't follow the lesson plan very well, and spent a lot of time on the changes part. The students really liked that activity. I also find that my fifth graders are too cool to sing so I do a different warm-up activity or skip it altogether. I never taught this lesson to sixth grade, but Yippie marked it as appropriate for that grade, so I've tagged it accordingly.

Grade Level

Birthday and Age

This plan was given to me by my company, and I think it may have been written by another teacher although I'm not really sure. It worked well for me, but I found that it went better if I spent more time on the beginning of the lesson, and emphasized that a person gets one year older on their birthday, and then just talked about birthday parties at the end. The kids loved the picture of mei yang yang that I used.

Grade Level